
Reaching My Breaking Point

Almost 4 months in and I’m seeing all the giant red flags. Boss gossips about other employees to other employees in front of me. Favoritism. Literally my boss said out loud “people who get upset over favoritism need to just get over it and do their jobs.” Boss stood over my shoulder to make sure I did the employee engagement survey. Low retention. Poor communication over scheduling and what my actual job even is. There are 5 other people with the same job title as me but I have two other roles I am expected to do while the others are not. Now that people are leaving the one position I sometimes work, I fear I will be scheduled to do it more often over my actual fucking job title and will be stuck doing it indefinitely as it’s happened to others before me. Furthermore, they are training someone else…

Almost 4 months in and I’m seeing all the giant red flags.

Boss gossips about other employees to other employees in front of me.

Favoritism. Literally my boss said out loud “people who get upset over favoritism need to just get over it and do their jobs.”

Boss stood over my shoulder to make sure I did the employee engagement survey.

Low retention.

Poor communication over scheduling and what my actual job even is.

There are 5 other people with the same job title as me but I have two other roles I am expected to do while the others are not. Now that people are leaving the one position I sometimes work, I fear I will be scheduled to do it more often over my actual fucking job title and will be stuck doing it indefinitely as it’s happened to others before me. Furthermore, they are training someone else for the other “side” position that they were so adamant and excited for me to do. They said they really needed someone to fill that role and I did the best I could and now they are training someone else. It all smells so fucking fishy, my gut is screaming something is wrong but everyone tells me I’m worrying too much and to basically get over it.

I feel so uncertain. Having 3 different jobs with 3 different responsibilities and times I have to show up for is hard for me to keep up with. I had no idea when I signed on that I’d be bouncing around like this. They made it seem like I’d be “helping once in a while” I don’t know where I stand. I just feel like a floater. I think I’m being phased out of my original position to do the more grunt work position since they know I don’t like it and now people are leaving. It’s really unfortunate because I truly loved the job I initially thought I was hired to do…I’m at a loss on what to do. It’s affecting my mental health and overall job performance. I just give up.

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