
Realistic Wealth Redistribution

We do a lot of complaining on here about work conditions and wages but I hardly ever see links about unionizing tenant unionization, UBI, or any methods for actual wealth redistribution! So, I found this thing I want to share with this whole community… It's called Comingle and it's an app Andrew Yang is discussing today on a podcast on Twitter X. The idea is that everyone takes 7% of their paycheck each week and puts it into a single shared pool which is redistributed equally to everyone within minutes. So people who make $400 or less that week will be getting the most money, followed by people who make up to $1500, while the people who make thousands per week are going to have a net loss which is a small fraction of their earnings – hardly noticeable – but extremely helpful to those in poverty or living paycheck…

We do a lot of complaining on here about work conditions and wages but I hardly ever see links about unionizing tenant unionization, UBI, or any methods for actual wealth redistribution! So, I found this thing I want to share with this whole community… It's called Comingle and it's an app Andrew Yang is discussing today on a podcast on Twitter X. The idea is that everyone takes 7% of their paycheck each week and puts it into a single shared pool which is redistributed equally to everyone within minutes. So people who make $400 or less that week will be getting the most money, followed by people who make up to $1500, while the people who make thousands per week are going to have a net loss which is a small fraction of their earnings – hardly noticeable – but extremely helpful to those in poverty or living paycheck to paycheck. Most billionaires and multimillionaires will probably not like it but some have pledged to sign up voluntarily because they genuinely want to help or see the problems their greed has caused even for themselves (or possibly because they fear retaliation). This is the best way I've found, so let's make it big enough that they ALL have to sign up! Keep griping, by all means, but let's finally f$!*#@g DO something about it!

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