
Really tired of my managers empty threats.

For context, i work overnights 5 nights a week 10 PM-6 AM in a 24 hour gas station that has a kitchen that sells fried food and breakfast food all night. The issues started a few weeks ago, I had a mental crisis and ended up in the hospital for a week and a half, if you've been fortunate enough to never have gone through that, it's very difficult to get access to your cell phone. Thankfully, they let me use it to update people. I texted my manager and assistant manager to tell them i was in the hospital and wasn't sure when I'd be out. Well I get out, that same night my coworkers call me asking if I can come in cause someone called out and there was only 2 people to work the kitchen and hot bar on the third busiest night of the week. They…

For context, i work overnights 5 nights a week 10 PM-6 AM in a 24 hour gas station that has a kitchen that sells fried food and breakfast food all night. The issues started a few weeks ago, I had a mental crisis and ended up in the hospital for a week and a half, if you've been fortunate enough to never have gone through that, it's very difficult to get access to your cell phone. Thankfully, they let me use it to update people. I texted my manager and assistant manager to tell them i was in the hospital and wasn't sure when I'd be out.

Well I get out, that same night my coworkers call me asking if I can come in cause someone called out and there was only 2 people to work the kitchen and hot bar on the third busiest night of the week. They said they'd called all 3 managers first and none of them picked up. I needed money so I said sure. The next day all that our store manager said to me was that I should not have come in as I hadn't been cleared to work. While I should have thought of that, it's kind of messed up that she would berate me when I was the only one willing to come in and keep the kitchen from shutting down as the other workers were ready to walk out. When she wasn't even willing to answer their call.

After this they begin threatening to lower me to part time which includes a pay cut of $3 an hour. The reason was that my average hours over 3 weeks had dropped below 30 (no duh, I was in the hospital) thankfully they're no longer threatening me with that as I turned in a doctors note to prove that I was in the hospital. But it was still stressful there for a while as I can't make rent on that kind of pay. Ontop of this I'm documented in the company as having a preexisting disability (MDD). I marked the check box stating so when I was hired.

Flash forward to last week. We have a corporate event in town so our managers are freaking out assuming they'd come in (we all knew there was maybe a 5% chance they would as they had better things to do.) But our managers still wanted to make sure everything was above and beyond. This caused our manager to threaten the whole team saying if we're holding on anything on the bar, in the warmer, or the grab and go warmer isn't full all night the whole team would be written up regardless if it was related your station or not. Needless to say this didn't improve anyone's moral. On top of that she insisted we take shortcuts that worst of all led to chemical cross contamination. There is no convincing her that what she says is wrong. I've told her that before, and she insisted it was fine and would scold me for doing it the correct way.

Then finally last night. I'm still getting used to my new meds. They make me pretty tired sometimes. Ontop of that I've got a cold so I'm not comfortable going in anyways but we're not offered sick pay and I've used my PTO already to make up for the hospital. So having a hard time sleeping yesterday when I finally fell asleep I slept over 12 hours through my alarm. I woke up 20 mins later than I meant but immediately left for work. I was 30 mins late to work. First thing my manager said was that she had called me in as a no call no show. At my company that means you'll be terminated on the first offense. I'm pretty sure it was an empty threat, as i ahvent heard from HR about termination or even a warning. I'm also one of 2 people who actually do my job there. And my coworker was an hour and a half late, she didn't say anything to him. So I texted my roommate to see if he knew anyone hiring urgently. On one hand if she actually did report me I was going to lose my job anways, and if she didnt I no longer want to work for a company that threatens employees that way. Long story short I should be starting a new job in a few days and I will not be officially resigning. They can deal with the backlash themselves.

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