I didn't get a job because my answers to the questions in the interview were deemed “negative/complaining.” Every question was loaded. “When have you felt cheated or treated unfairly in a past job, and did you provide any constructive criticism that could possibly alleviate the issue? What was the worst day you've experienced in a past job? What happened, and how did you handle it?” Etc.
I was told at the beginning that the interviewer would be able to tell if I was BS'ing my way through the interview. Given that context, how do I not answer those questions without coming off as negative or complaining? Do I bullshit it and say I've never had a bad day at work, or when issues come up, I smile and shit rainbows, and everything gets better? I'm not opposed to lying to a potential employer, but navigating that nightmare scenario is like cracking the zodiac killer codes to me.