
Recently Got Let Go

Recently got let go from a brewpub in my area this afternoon. Already knew my days were numbered when they reduced my days from 4 down to 2 after I made complaints against a few of my former co-workers for their inappropriate behaviors, but it still pisses me off. Worked there for less than a year, but I busted my butt off for them with tackling ANY issues they needed me to do, no matter how gross, and this is what I got? Not cool. And to make it even more ironic, I was the only Pacific Islander there working at a New Zealand-themed brewpub, while almost everybody else basically wasn’t. Really want to do it, but thought I’d ask this here before I do it. Will leaving a negative and truthful review on Glassdoor on a company that just fired me have a negative impact on the potential lawsuit…

Recently got let go from a brewpub in my area this afternoon. Already knew my days were numbered when they reduced my days from 4 down to 2 after I made complaints against a few of my former co-workers for their inappropriate behaviors, but it still pisses me off. Worked there for less than a year, but I busted my butt off for them with tackling ANY issues they needed me to do, no matter how gross, and this is what I got? Not cool. And to make it even more ironic, I was the only Pacific Islander there working at a New Zealand-themed brewpub, while almost everybody else basically wasn’t.

Really want to do it, but thought I’d ask this here before I do it. Will leaving a negative and truthful review on Glassdoor on a company that just fired me have a negative impact on the potential lawsuit I may or may not pursue against them in the near future?

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