
Recently left a job and I couldn’t be happier

I worked for a company for two years. When I got hired they seemed like a good company. Offering great benefits, $10 more an hour than I was making at the previous office I worked, great bonus pay, etc. The first year was great. Slowly they started rolling things back and would use me as examples of people getting paid too much but they couldn't do anything about it. Using the bonus I was getting 500-1000 extra every month for about 4 months. I hit my biggest bonus of 1700 right before a big vacation. Turns out the changes how it was calculated and lost every penny of bonus. I reached out to my boss who said he'd work on it. It took months of me complaining about the changes all the way up the chain. Because I was one of the top performers one of the owners decided to…

I worked for a company for two years. When I got hired they seemed like a good company. Offering great benefits, $10 more an hour than I was making at the previous office I worked, great bonus pay, etc. The first year was great.

Slowly they started rolling things back and would use me as examples of people getting paid too much but they couldn't do anything about it. Using the bonus I was getting 500-1000 extra every month for about 4 months. I hit my biggest bonus of 1700 right before a big vacation. Turns out the changes how it was calculated and lost every penny of bonus.

I reached out to my boss who said he'd work on it. It took months of me complaining about the changes all the way up the chain. Because I was one of the top performers one of the owners decided to give me half back.

After this there was a pattern. If anyone got more than $500 dollars they would change metrics. This started to affect my living and I was getting threats from my landlord they were going to evict me after becoming late on rent due to work changes.

I scheduled a meeting with the landlord to get it all fixed and even requested the day off. Shortly after I was placed on a PIP. I was denied the day off so I planned to go in early so I could make my meeting. I received a message from my boss that I had a mandatory meeting with him after I clocked out. Naturally I told him I couldn't do it then and would be back in the morning. He kept pushing and I kinda exploded on him for trying to make me miss an important meeting. His response was “what's more important, your job or your apartment.” I was disgusted. I took a screenshot to send to his boss and was going to resign the next day. His boss called and authorized two days of paid vacation for my mental health.

That boss ended up leaving a few weeks after and everything got worse. They fired half of the staff and made it even harder to stay afloat. I was placed on a 2nd PIP a week after getting off the first for errors that happened during the first PIP I completed. I looked for a new job that day and left never looking back.

Fuck PIPs and forcing short staff so you can force people to depend on you. Everyone I know that was good at the job has left in the month I did.

Just wanted to rant.

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