
Record Profits Aren’t Enough Anymore

My company recently sent out an email in advance of its quarterly earnings call and it really pissed me off. They spent the first half of the email listing how literally every part of the company & every product released in the last year set records. Everyone worked insanely hard, really long hours, and were so proud of what they were able to put out. However, they then followed that up by saying that we’re in a tough macroeconomic environment & we didn’t hit our goals. I had already decided after getting the average raise and bonus last year despite having some of the highest metrics in my division, that I wouldn’t be pushing myself above & beyond just to be told again it wasn’t enough. And this email just solidified that for me. I know they’re going to use this reasoning to not give out decent raises/bonuses (if any)…

My company recently sent out an email in advance of its quarterly earnings call and it really pissed me off.
They spent the first half of the email listing how literally every part of the company & every product released in the last year set records. Everyone worked insanely hard, really long hours, and were so proud of what they were able to put out.
However, they then followed that up by saying that we’re in a tough macroeconomic environment & we didn’t hit our goals.
I had already decided after getting the average raise and bonus last year despite having some of the highest metrics in my division, that I wouldn’t be pushing myself above & beyond just to be told again it wasn’t enough. And this email just solidified that for me. I know they’re going to use this reasoning to not give out decent raises/bonuses (if any) this year.

And this is a reminder for all of us. It will never be enough. If you hit the targets they just get higher. Going above and beyond won’t get you anywhere.

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