

I saw a post on here about recording calls. This is a great idea! It is very common practice for companies to require you to “call in” or discipline in person. This is a tactic I have seen, it leaves them with the material and them to use it for whatever they want. My understanding even company emails are archived as property of employees with their work emails. Text messages often appear to be frowned upon is it because it leaves a trail? Anyone else think this HR practice is intentional? In my past I got terminated for a policy that stated after 1 hour it is a no call no show without notifying the supervisor. The one working notoriously did not like me. I overslept on a shift I picked up last minute and has worked 60hours that week as a paramedic in a busy system during snowstorms. I…

I saw a post on here about recording calls. This is a great idea! It is very common practice for companies to require you to “call in” or discipline in person.
This is a tactic I have seen, it leaves them with the material and them to use it for whatever they want. My understanding even company emails are archived as property of employees with their work emails. Text messages often appear to be frowned upon is it because it leaves a trail? Anyone else think this HR practice is intentional?

In my past I got terminated for a policy that stated after 1 hour it is a no call no show without notifying the supervisor. The one working notoriously did not like me. I overslept on a shift I picked up last minute and has worked 60hours that week as a paramedic in a busy system during snowstorms. I woke up panicked where I had a call stating this and called twice before the hour. Around 50 mins called 2-3 times. My call was ignored. When I had the meeting the individual lied and said I never called. This made me furious, I had given so many long hours to keeping the city protected hell even that week I was asked to do a press thing on my off hours for the company bc of a save on a cardiac arrest survivor. This was seriously my thank you? All the extra hours I put in. All the calls I showed up to in my personal vehicle bc we had no ambulances available. Glad the company got the credit for a difficult call. I remember some coworkers being furious I was let go. I guess I expected better from a healthcare system that was suppose to be best in the world or ground breaking. You probably know the one.

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