
Recruiter not calling back. Why? Your opinions please.

I did phone interview and it was a slam dunk. He was like, “You are a good fit. I'm going to get a hold of the hiring manager. We want to fast track this. I will let you today or Monday morning at the latest. We will have interview Monday or Tuesday.” Now it's crickets. This recruiter dragged his feet before on scheduling phone interview, and I had to follow up on. Now he is not returning my messages, email or phone. It is for an industrial inside sales job that I would absolutely be a beast at. I also was referred by a residential recruiter who my wife is good friends with. If position is filled just holla at your boy, LMFK. Why the ghost treatment?

I did phone interview and it was a slam dunk. He was like, “You are a good fit. I'm going to get a hold of the hiring manager. We want to fast track this. I will let you today or Monday morning at the latest. We will have interview Monday or Tuesday.”

Now it's crickets.

This recruiter dragged his feet before on scheduling phone interview, and I had to follow up on. Now he is not returning my messages, email or phone. It is for an industrial inside sales job that I would absolutely be a beast at. I also was referred by a residential recruiter who my wife is good friends with. If position is filled just holla at your boy, LMFK.

Why the ghost treatment?

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