
Recruiter won’t pay

I started a new job and we don't have access to the timesheet system since it's a new system and there's a lot of people onboarding at once. I told the recruiter this yet the recruiter won't accept anything but a timesheet screenshot from the company's system. Until then we cannot get paid. Is this legal ? I called the recruiters payroll team yesterday and they told me submit an email to my lead and they would accept it. Then today someone else on the payroll team with the recruiter said they won't accept the email. As far as I understand, as long as I worked those hours, the recruiter has to pay.

I started a new job and we don't have access to the timesheet system since it's a new system and there's a lot of people onboarding at once. I told the recruiter this yet the recruiter won't accept anything but a timesheet screenshot from the company's system. Until then we cannot get paid. Is this legal ?

I called the recruiters payroll team yesterday and they told me submit an email to my lead and they would accept it. Then today someone else on the payroll team with the recruiter said they won't accept the email.

As far as I understand, as long as I worked those hours, the recruiter has to pay.

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