
Recruiters are just fishing for data

Had a potential employer interview me this morning for a job that doesnt exist “yet”. An hours worth of invasive industry standard questions that have nothing to do with the actual role. The recruiter then asks salary expectations. I ask what is the budget for the role?. Sorry we cant disclose that at this time because it hasnt been established yet so how much do you need? Call me back when you figure out how much you want to pay someone for the roll because im not being paid for this research study. If you want market research do a study, dont create fake job listings just to data mine. The company was McKibbon Hospitality

Had a potential employer interview me this morning for a job that doesnt exist “yet”. An hours worth of invasive industry standard questions that have nothing to do with the actual role. The recruiter then asks salary expectations. I ask what is the budget for the role?. Sorry we cant disclose that at this time because it hasnt been established yet so how much do you need? Call me back when you figure out how much you want to pay someone for the roll because im not being paid for this research study. If you want market research do a study, dont create fake job listings just to data mine.

The company was McKibbon Hospitality

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