
Recruiters. Ugh

US of A. Got a call from a recruiter, explained that while I am working remotely, I am open to a new job as my current role has no vacation offered. Explained my hourly rate was X. Recruiter says “Oh that is higher than they were offering, it is an onsite role. If we could match your current rate, would you be open to the position?” I say no, commuting means either train or driving, and while gas has come down still not free. I would need X plus at least 2 dollars more hourly to make up the difference. Recuiter says “what about X plus one dollar” No says I. I am not trying to be difficult, but can't take a net pay cut. Recruiter says “OK let me ask my account manager” which means I will most likely never hear from this person again.

US of A. Got a call from a recruiter, explained that while I am working remotely, I am open to a new job as my current role has no vacation offered. Explained my hourly rate was X. Recruiter says “Oh that is higher than they were offering, it is an onsite role. If we could match your current rate, would you be open to the position?” I say no, commuting means either train or driving, and while gas has come down still not free. I would need X plus at least 2 dollars more hourly to make up the difference. Recuiter says “what about X plus one dollar” No says I. I am not trying to be difficult, but can't take a net pay cut. Recruiter says “OK let me ask my account manager” which means I will most likely never hear from this person again.

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