
Redundant Rant… (but happy!)

So after 5 years (incl during Covid, even worked whilst I had Covid 🤦‍️) I was made redundant and was told: “Sorry, but you are at risk of redundancy, we’ll let you know the outcome in 48hrs” Immediate reaction was shock, total WTF! Long story short, whole team got axed. Felt destroyed, worthless, low & pretty sh!t. Basic redundancy plus notice was ok but “Ok, now what….” Fast forward 5 months and my new job pays almost 4 times what that idiot did. To be fair, maybe I was the idiot..? What I’m trying to say is: – Never sell yourself short – Don’t be scared of jumping into something new – Comfort zone is a meme Not sure if this fits the category of antiwork, but definitely, don’t undervalue yourself!

So after 5 years (incl during Covid, even worked whilst I had Covid 🤦‍️) I was made redundant and was told:

“Sorry, but you are at risk of redundancy, we’ll let you know the outcome in 48hrs”

Immediate reaction was shock, total WTF! Long story short, whole team got axed.

Felt destroyed, worthless, low & pretty sh!t. Basic redundancy plus notice was ok but “Ok, now what….”

Fast forward 5 months and my new job pays almost 4 times what that idiot did.

To be fair, maybe I was the idiot..?

What I’m trying to say is:
– Never sell yourself short
– Don’t be scared of jumping into something new
– Comfort zone is a meme

Not sure if this fits the category of antiwork, but definitely, don’t undervalue yourself!

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