
Refused a job offer and my family is still not over it

I got offered a job as a medical admin in a hospital through connections, at first I thought that's nice and its an opportunity that got handed to me so ill check it out. I went and got interviewed, I already have an experience so that helped and the manager said she liked me and that they have to do a few background checks and the job is mine. The hours are 8.5 hours but they expect you to work more if you needed, and I asked the admin that works there how many hours she works and she said it depends but usually 9-10 and sometimes 10.5-11 hours and just hearing this I didn't like it, also the manager asked me if I'm married and how old am I and when I said that I am not and that I have no kids she said, so you don't have…

I got offered a job as a medical admin in a hospital through connections, at first I thought that's nice and its an opportunity that got handed to me so ill check it out. I went and got interviewed, I already have an experience so that helped and the manager said she liked me and that they have to do a few background checks and the job is mine.

The hours are 8.5 hours but they expect you to work more if you needed, and I asked the admin that works there how many hours she works and she said it depends but usually 9-10 and sometimes 10.5-11 hours and just hearing this I didn't like it, also the manager asked me if I'm married and how old am I and when I said that I am not and that I have no kids she said, so you don't have a lot of responsibilities because apparently that's the only excuse of not wanting to work so many hours.

another thing that she told me because its health care, its very hard to take days off and that if the monthly schedule is already out, she doesn't like it if suddenly there is a change so I told her what if someone is sick or something important came up what happens, she goes its understandable that stuff happens but it will be very difficult.

I didn't really want the job, I worked in healthcare already and it was fine but I always felt stressed every time I had to ask for a day off and even when sometimes I asked months in advance for one day off they'll complain and forget by the time the arrived and I also had a really toxic manager so when my contract with that company finished and they didn't renew it, I felt fine with that because you have to deal with a lot as a medical admin with the staff and patients that could get quiet aggressive when your just doing your job. so when this manager in the hospital said those things I just thought to myself that I don't want to be in this stressful situation, I just want to work in a place where I don't feel bad that I'm sick or that I have to work so many hours. the people in my life were pressuring me to take it so I won't be unemployed for a while and because its a hospital and I just felt like I had to say yes so I did. but once the whole background check started and all the procedure I got cold feet, in my heart I knew that I don't want this so I messaged the manager that after thinking about it I'd rather not continue. and basically my family is mad at me for saying no and that I'm at home instead of working and I told them that I want to find something else and that I'll like better, they just couldn't get that, and even the person who told me about the job and talked to the manager got upset and said I was wrong for I did. and I'm like why, just because I chose not continue with something that I didn't want. I don't understand why people have a problem with the idea that some people just don't feel comfortable feeling that a job shouldn't take this much energy from them. its like bizarre to them.

I just feel confused and I don't know what to do, and I'm trying to figure it out and I even talked with an agency that helps you find a job and offers courses just so I can find something that i will like but everyone just like to meddle in and ask questions and give there unnecessary opinion just because I know what I don't want , I'm tired.

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