
Refused to cover a 12-6, now manager gave me no hours this week

My manager asked me if I could cover a 12-6/7 on the Sunday night before Monday (literally 11pm), and I said no because I had to get some work done that day for uni, and thought it was last minute to ask just before midnight, to which she didnt respond to my message so ik she read it but left me on open. Then she released the rota this Monday and gave me NO hours this week, everyone else got their days and I was the only one left blank. Also the previous week I only worked once on Monday. I don’t want to assume but I’ve never felt like the manager has liked me, anything I did wrong, any mistakes I made she’d have a fit and get mad. This is a new restaurant and she expects us all to get it right off the bat, what should I…

My manager asked me if I could cover a 12-6/7 on the Sunday night before Monday (literally 11pm), and I said no because I had to get some work done that day for uni, and thought it was last minute to ask just before midnight, to which she didnt respond to my message so ik she read it but left me on open. Then she released the rota this Monday and gave me NO hours this week, everyone else got their days and I was the only one left blank. Also the previous week I only worked once on Monday. I don’t want to assume but I’ve never felt like the manager has liked me, anything I did wrong, any mistakes I made she’d have a fit and get mad. This is a new restaurant and she expects us all to get it right off the bat, what should I do?

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