
Regroup under the next one

So I've been creeping this sub for a while and thought I'd share my story. I worked in Daycare looking after kids 4-12 years old. It was a small local daycare in a relatively large village. I grew in it from intern to one of the few people who knew all the routes and schools by heart and head alone and could explain the routes with ease to “new” people. Along the way in that we got bought by a larger foreign company looking to expand in my country. First this was great, but pretty soon the first cracks appeared. First they changed the company structure This meant that there was no “team leader” position any more and the only “acknowledged” leadership was the one manager who grew in to this position along the years and replaced the one that got promoted. This basically meant there was little to no…

So I've been creeping this sub for a while and thought I'd share my story.

I worked in Daycare looking after kids 4-12 years old.
It was a small local daycare in a relatively large village.
I grew in it from intern to one of the few people who knew all the routes and schools by heart and head alone and could explain the routes with ease to “new” people.

Along the way in that we got bought by a larger foreign company looking to expand in my country.
First this was great, but pretty soon the first cracks appeared.

First they changed the company structure
This meant that there was no “team leader” position any more and the only “acknowledged” leadership was the one manager who grew in to this position along the years and replaced the one that got promoted.
This basically meant there was little to no way to grow to better positions.

Through all that I decided to join the workers council, there I learned how fucked we truly are.

The local “ceo” basically screwed up and got fired. The company now lacked leadership so a couple of peeps from the mother company came over and took it.

Now there was no way of growing in your job, huge work load because higher management was basically trying to fix growing to quickly (thanks to previously fired “ceo”) and had no attention to us people who actually did the work.
When we complained we didn't have enough people they said they had positions open but only offered 12 hours a week contracts.
Which ofcourse no one would take as they offered the lowest hourly rate they could.

People who almost swore their life to this company started leaving (including the promoted manager) and after some bitternes and not getting the pay rise I believed I deserved for my build up knowledge and running the day to day operations, so did I.
I went to another daycare in the same village but we both found out that didn't work.

I messaged my old manager (the promoted one that was now a region director) that I was done with the whole village and wanted to join the colleagues who left and went to the competition in the nearby town.
They accepted and upgraded my pay by what I asked.
That put me in the “normal” worker postion for the leadership salary I asked.
From the 20 people who I got to know over the years 8 people have joined the “competition” and we basically built our dream team here.

Grew into company, they fucked the workers, we regrouped under the competitions banner.

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