
Rejected due to my appearance

Hi all, Obligatory first time posting here. I really just need somewhere to rant about this. To start off.. I've been casually looking for a new job for a few months now, but I've recently gotten more serious about finding a new position now that my current job hired someone that is practically my replacement and taking all my hours. (That's a story for another day) Last week, I had an amazing initial interview at a certain clothing store with a seagull logo for an assistant manager position. During said interview, the store manager and I connected, really liked each other, and I was moved up in the hiring process to a second interview with the district manager which I completed today and thought it went so, so well. Even the store manager said that she had a really good feeling and could tell that the DM liked me. Or…

Hi all,

Obligatory first time posting here. I really just need somewhere to rant about this.
To start off.. I've been casually looking for a new job for a few months now, but I've recently gotten more serious about finding a new position now that my current job hired someone that is practically my replacement and taking all my hours. (That's a story for another day) Last week, I had an amazing initial interview at a certain clothing store with a seagull logo for an assistant manager position. During said interview, the store manager and I connected, really liked each other, and I was moved up in the hiring process to a second interview with the district manager which I completed today and thought it went so, so well. Even the store manager said that she had a really good feeling and could tell that the DM liked me. Or so she thought, I suppose.
About 15 minutes after my interview, I'm still wandering around the mall when I get a phone call from said store manager. Of course with my stupidly optimistic outlook on life, I'm expecting a “She loved you and you're hired!!” call.. Instead she explained to me very awkwardly that the DM thought I was perfect for the job, except for “my look.”
Keep in mind, I'm not the kind of person you would normally see working at that store. I've got black and white hair, big winged eyeliner, and just generally a sort of goth look to me. However that in no way implies that I am unprofessional, which is the only stipulation in the official dress code. I am well groomed, wearing professional clothing, well spoken, friendly, and most importantly QUALIFIED for the job… and I am rejected because I don't “fit in” with their brand's image. The store manager even explained to me that this company has recently gotten more lax about tattoos, piercings, and colored hair.
While I was on the phone with store manager, I even offered to tone down my makeup and wear their clothes for the job! She said that she has another interview tomorrow, and that she would let me know the verdict either way… But I know what that means.
I'm just so gutted. I was really looking forward to working with this awesome team of people, getting paid way more than what I'm used to, and getting out of my shitty current job.

TLDR: Qualified and willing worker got rejected due to not fitting in with brand's image.

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