
Religious nut supervisor story

I (18M) have been working at a non-union electrical company for the last six months (since March) as an electrical trainee. My first ever supervisor (who I sometimes work with now and then), is a super nice guy (I’m gonna call him Kevin- he’s about 23-24M), but he gets on my nerves at times. He’s a hardcore Seventh-Day Adventist, and he does a lot of things that I think are unprofessional: telling me I can’t celebrate Halloween because it’s “the Devil’s birthday party”- telling me not to eat pork or mix meat and dairy (he literally got upset with me because I was eating a bag of pork rinds on my break), got mad at me for working on a Saturday “it’s the sabbath, you shouldn’t be working then!” and he threatened to send me home because I said “Jesus Christ!” after getting shocked by accident. I even explained to…

I (18M) have been working at a non-union electrical company for the last six months (since March) as an electrical trainee. My first ever supervisor (who I sometimes work with now and then), is a super nice guy (I’m gonna call him Kevin- he’s about 23-24M), but he gets on my nerves at times. He’s a hardcore Seventh-Day Adventist, and he does a lot of things that I think are unprofessional: telling me I can’t celebrate Halloween because it’s “the Devil’s birthday party”- telling me not to eat pork or mix meat and dairy (he literally got upset with me because I was eating a bag of pork rinds on my break), got mad at me for working on a Saturday “it’s the sabbath, you shouldn’t be working then!” and he threatened to send me home because I said “Jesus Christ!” after getting shocked by accident.

I even explained to him very politely that I was agnostic, and here’s how the conversation went:

Me: “I respect the fact that you are religious, Kevin, but I’m actually agnostic,”

Him: “What does agnostic mean?”

Me: “Someone who doesn’t know for certain there’s a God,”

Him: “I’m agnostic too, because I don’t know for certain we can get this work done in two hours!”

Me: “I’m gonna get back to work now,”

So here you go. I have more about this guy if you want to talk about him with me.

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