
Remember that merit increase?

I posted a couple months ago, lamenting about the 1.9% merit increase I got. Someone commented that the only way to get a decent increase was to change jobs. Well, as an update, I’ve accepted a different job, same line of work. And have a 17.9% salary increase at a new job that acknowledges my years of experience and additional certifications. And the overall benefits are near identical, so the entire compensation package is pretty sweet. All this to say – you have to look out for you, realize your worth, and make the move if it’s time. Be loyal and dedicated to yourself.

I posted a couple months ago, lamenting about the 1.9% merit increase I got. Someone commented that the only way to get a decent increase was to change jobs.

Well, as an update, I’ve accepted a different job, same line of work. And have a 17.9% salary increase at a new job that acknowledges my years of experience and additional certifications. And the overall benefits are near identical, so the entire compensation package is pretty sweet.

All this to say – you have to look out for you, realize your worth, and make the move if it’s time. Be loyal and dedicated to yourself.

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