
Remote Work Employer Relocation Issue

I have been successfully working remotely for a CT employer for a year and a half from MA. I travel throughout the country about 25% of the time for this role and have only gone into the CT office a total of six times. My partner lost his job last year and has now found new employment in KS. His job is on-site and so we must relocate. My employer allows remote work in 17 states, which does not include KS. We are equal earners so it seems it is best for him to take the KS job and us to relocate to a lower cost of living area. I am extremely frustrated to have to choose between my family and my career, especially as a woman, when I have received nothing but praise regarding my work performance. My employer allows remote employment in high burden states such as CA…

I have been successfully working remotely for a CT employer for a year and a half from MA. I travel throughout the country about 25% of the time for this role and have only gone into the CT office a total of six times. My partner lost his job last year and has now found new employment in KS. His job is on-site and so we must relocate. My employer allows remote work in 17 states, which does not include KS. We are equal earners so it seems it is best for him to take the KS job and us to relocate to a lower cost of living area. I am extremely frustrated to have to choose between my family and my career, especially as a woman, when I have received nothing but praise regarding my work performance. My employer allows remote employment in high burden states such as CA and NY. Any advice on this situation is appreciated.

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