
Reported my GM for making me do their work, I was flashed by the CEO, then was fired for “Insubordination”.

I worked for a service company as the only office employee aside from the newly hired general manager (GM). I eventually realized that the GM was delegating all their work to myself. I was taking on every customer complaint, handling everything payment issue, even correcting the misspellings of names in our system because my GM told me they are too busy to click the edit button and change a lowercase letter to an uppercase. When I say I was handling everything customer related, I mean everything. I was incredible at my job out of necessity because I was the only one doing anything of significance for them. Any of my peers would tell you this without daily. I was a HUGE asset to this company and they did not care. The issue is, I only had so much ability/power in my position to realistically be able to handle issues after…

I worked for a service company as the only office employee aside from the newly hired general manager (GM). I eventually realized that the GM was delegating all their work to myself. I was taking on every customer complaint, handling everything payment issue, even correcting the misspellings of names in our system because my GM told me they are too busy to click the edit button and change a lowercase letter to an uppercase. When I say I was handling everything customer related, I mean everything.

I was incredible at my job out of necessity because I was the only one doing anything of significance for them. Any of my peers would tell you this without daily. I was a HUGE asset to this company and they did not care.

The issue is, I only had so much ability/power in my position to realistically be able to handle issues after I take a complaint. I needed the GM to step up on countless occasions and was literally ignored unless I brought someone else into the picture for help. The GM also asked me NOT to reach out for help to anyone aside from themselves. I feel I was pressured into a corner with no help and I feared being reprimanded for disobeying the rule to only address issues with the GM. Nearly of my complaints and reported issues went into the GM’s emails and stayed there unaddressed.

I filed an official complaint stating that I could not handle the workload without additional help or compensation. I offered reasonable solutions, for which I even did a sanity check with my peers to be sure I was not coming off too aggressive in my frustration. The last thing I wanted to do was cause more issues while trying to fix others.

Long story short, the company ignored my suggestions and portrayed me as “insubordinate”, resulting in my termination.

The CEO, a well to do millionaire tried to gaslight me into thinking that the stress I was dealing with is just part of the job. He tried to persuade me by discussing the company's future plans to build toward the vision they had in mind, while disregarding my requests for assistance or negotiating the options I presented in the meantime. During the conversation, the CEO lifted his shirt in a moment of self-absorption so they could look at the body they were proud of in the mirror, flashing me in the process. I feel like my intelligence was insulted as I was trying to be reasonable and discuss ways we could better the company. This was the response I got in return.

So, now I am jobless, cannot afford to pay any of my bills, and have this fucking memory of someone’s gut burned into my memory in response to my plea for help.

I’m applying like crazy and getting nowhere fast. I can’t even focus on my art and music skill set to capitalize on because I am too depressed to focus on anything aside from having no money. Idk what to do.

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