
Reported to LinkedIn for not updating my profile.

I received an email today informing me that someone reported my profile for “inaccurate information” and requested that it be updated within 2 weeks or taken down. A few months ago, I reported harassment in my department, and requested an ADA accommodation to hopefully get some of the issues corrected. Instead, harassment ramped up and I ended up with a demotion to a much weaker title that doesn’t allow for many, if any, opportunities in my field(accompanied by a 20% pay cut). I’ve been pretty depressed since then and haven’t really used LinkedIn since, save for spam “one click apply”ing when I feel like I have the energy, but I guess it’s my fault for not immediately updating my job profiles. I’m so defeated by this. Management has been cracking down on us very, very hard recently. I’m asked multiple times a day if I even know how to do…

I received an email today informing me that someone reported my profile for “inaccurate information” and requested that it be updated within 2 weeks or taken down. A few months ago, I reported harassment in my department, and requested an ADA accommodation to hopefully get some of the issues corrected. Instead, harassment ramped up and I ended up with a demotion to a much weaker title that doesn’t allow for many, if any, opportunities in my field(accompanied by a 20% pay cut). I’ve been pretty depressed since then and haven’t really used LinkedIn since, save for spam “one click apply”ing when I feel like I have the energy, but I guess it’s my fault for not immediately updating my job profiles.

I’m so defeated by this. Management has been cracking down on us very, very hard recently. I’m asked multiple times a day if I even know how to do my job(the same position that I was originally hired to the company with, with 5+ yrs of experience in). The workload has increased exponentially in the past few weeks. I’m so burnt out by the 2-3 hrs of overtime I do every night to try to keep up that never ends up getting the work I need done. Most of my coworkers don’t get the same level of scrutiny my work comes under. I’m just so fried. I don’t know if they’re trying to get me to quit or what, but I’m too overwhelmed and exhausted to do anything about it. I can’t win here.

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