
Reporting employer for constructive dismissal and stealing tips?

Just discovered that whats been happening to me has a name. My employer has recently taken me completely off the schedule, going from 25 hours to 0 over the past couple months. I'm not the first person this has happened to, as 2 other employees were treated the same way when I first started. Neither me or these other employee's have ever done anything to warrant being fired or taken off the schedule, and if we did do something it's never been communicated to us. I don't want to sue my employer and I'm not really looking for much, if any, money. I'm just wondering if there's any way to report her somewhere for this, especially since it's a pattern of behavior? It's a small business, so there's no HR or higher ups to report her to. Also, me and my other coworkers are also pretty sure our tips are…

Just discovered that whats been happening to me has a name. My employer has recently taken me completely off the schedule, going from 25 hours to 0 over the past couple months. I'm not the first person this has happened to, as 2 other employees were treated the same way when I first started. Neither me or these other employee's have ever done anything to warrant being fired or taken off the schedule, and if we did do something it's never been communicated to us. I don't want to sue my employer and I'm not really looking for much, if any, money. I'm just wondering if there's any way to report her somewhere for this, especially since it's a pattern of behavior? It's a small business, so there's no HR or higher ups to report her to.

Also, me and my other coworkers are also pretty sure our tips are being taken by the owner. We don't actually get to know how much is being made in tips altogether and we don't know how it's calculated and split up, but our tip jar is just all counted at the end of the night, we can't take whats made during our shift. During night shifts with 3 people working we'll make 150+ a night, this repeats 2-3 nights a week with some slower 2 person days, and somehow we never make more than $15 in tips. Because of what I stated above, we can't prove it's happening, but the numbers just don't make sense and the whole process just feels sketchy. Any advice on if this is legal or if I can do something about that is also appreciated.

And if it makes any difference, my hours got cut 1 week after I confronted her about my pay being 5 hours off. This is also in Georgia.

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