
Repost from another server: Quitting my job after 4 years.

Im finally leaving a place that was once something i enjoyed as i walked in. Now it’s just a bad feeling walking in. I was working for the company for 4 years. My first year was straight up bad. there was a manager and a supervisor treating me like crap and management did nothing about it. So i quit the first time and came back about 6 months after i heard that the manager quit. supervisor was still there but she quit like a month after. Covid hit and i worked even when it was novice. Once everything started to settle down the first place we opened up for outside dining only. I had to move out from home due to personal issues and my GM ( who is now the director of operations) at the time was upset that i left. But i moved to another location from the…

Im finally leaving a place that was once something i enjoyed as i walked in. Now it’s just a bad feeling walking in.

I was working for the company for 4 years. My first year was straight up bad. there was a manager and a supervisor treating me like crap and management did nothing about it. So i quit the first time and came back about 6 months after i heard that the manager quit. supervisor was still there but she quit like a month after. Covid hit and i worked even when it was novice. Once everything started to settle down the first place we opened up for outside dining only.

I had to move out from home due to personal issues and my GM ( who is now the director of operations) at the time was upset that i left. But i moved to another location from the same company and it was okay. i got my raises and earned well, i became a supervisor. One of the supervisors got promoted to GM over there and he became extremely toxic. He had a high turnover of employees and MITs (Managers-in-training). we had 5 MITs turnover in a month (Keep this in mind). So once i told a corporate manager about what happened, he basically moved me to another location which will be the last i work for. The same GM that became toxic quit and walked out on day.

So come this location it was hectic, i was still in power in supervisor so i did my job and let me tell ya, these kids are fucking trash at their jobs. No matter what you do here, what you tell them, they will still act garbage. Everything started settling into place after people got fired or left. once it did, I enjoyed it here and had fun.

Now when i came to my last location to pick up some things that my store needed, i saw one of my homeboys that i trained become a manager. That instantly threw me off. This guy didn’t even know anything and he only worked there for a year (no disrespect i still open a beer with him) Mind you I worked through it all since 2018 and i was still a supervisor. Like wtf is this? so i called the Director of Operations and i asked him how come i’m not in this position? it’s not fair that he was under me at one point and now he’s a manager. The DO said alright, we’ll train you and certify you in this and that and come april, we’ll put you in as a manager. Don’t worry about audits, Basically.

Alright cool, So now come this month and he basically said “We need to do better with audits so he can get his raise, i will not do anything until the store improves”

WHAT!? That’s not what you said!! You said come april i’ll be a manager. I passed my certs and everything and you went against your word! I told him that 5 MITs QUIT IN THE LAST MONTHS AND THEN HE TELLS ME THIS????

Prior to him telling me this he basically told me that i need to start working on this and that. i’m like since when? nobody told me this and now this happens? Why did you decide to tell me this THIS MONTH??? So i quickly learned what he needed me to do the first time and I excelled in it.

Above all i been through a lot than anyone working here and i lose hope within all. I already put in my two weeks and got a job that pays more than the starting manager salary of $36k/yr.

So i’m excited to start the job and for the shit one to kiss my ass goodbye.

TLDR: I worked for a company for 4 years only to be undervalued. Moved locations for different reasonable reasons. One of my homeboys who trained under me got a salaried position and I did not. Director of Operations went against his promise to make me a manager and now i quit. Got a better job somewhere else that paid better than the starting manager.

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