
Repost with more details: Issues with working full time

I can't work full time because I can't work long hours without losing my mind, and by that I mean yelling/verbal outbursts, physical violence like kicking a wall or floor, general freaking out, etc, I'm 20 years old with Autism, ADHD, Anger Issues, and Anxiety! I currently work 30 hrs a week as a lot attendant because that's pretty much the max I can do while keeping my act together. And before any of you say stuff like dude grow up and what not, this isn't about growing up, it's about mental health issues. Infact one of the mechanics where I work (and they tend to work between 8 and 12 hrs a day which I just can't comprehend) kicked his toolbox and yelled “FUCK THIS I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!” another mechanic asked him what was wrong and he said “I ONLY WORK CAUSE I HAVE TO AND I…

I can't work full time because I can't work long hours without losing my mind, and by that I mean yelling/verbal outbursts, physical violence like kicking a wall or floor, general freaking out, etc, I'm 20 years old with Autism, ADHD, Anger Issues, and Anxiety! I currently work 30 hrs a week as a lot attendant because that's pretty much the max I can do while keeping my act together. And before any of you say stuff like dude grow up and what not, this isn't about growing up, it's about mental health issues. Infact one of the mechanics where I work (and they tend to work between 8 and 12 hrs a day which I just can't comprehend) kicked his toolbox and yelled “FUCK THIS I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!” another mechanic asked him what was wrong and he said “I ONLY WORK CAUSE I HAVE TO AND I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” his boss than came up to him and said how about you take a break and come back to this later because i'd hate for you to break something else on this customers car! This definitely made me feel better because I know that i'm not alone. Although I have made some small talk with this person and he never seems to ever be in a good mood, and tbh i'm worried about his wellness! I think the issue with him is that he is just too stressed out with too much to do at once too fast! On the other hand I feel it's a similar issue with me although my job is a lot more laid back, and it's mainly just doing the same thing over and over again and being in the same area for so long has something to do with it. The most awesome part of the job has to be when I move cool cars like Hellcats, Grand Wagoneers, etc. The worst part has to be either when I have to clean the floor, which I not only hate cleaning but I'm also bad at it, or when there's nothing to do so I just wait around and not do much.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for me because I'm seriously at a loss?

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