
Requests for emotional intelligence from people in positions of authority

I most likely don’t have the right vocabulary for this, but anyone else have experiences where a person of authority asks for ‘emotional intelligence’ after an incident of microaggression against you? It’s like, they have been less than professional towards you, and as the lower ranking employee, you (or in this case I) already have to measure your response. Then, when you’re minimizing your interactions with said person and/or distancing yourself as much as possible professionally to prevent future instances, you are asked to let it go/ be the bigger person/ learn emotional intelligence. It feels like manipulation. I can’t respond with the freedom said person has because I run a higher risk of losing my job as a consequence. But then, I’m also asked to continue to work and collaborate with said person without the boundaries I have set in place, because said boundaries are uncomfortable. What is the…

I most likely don’t have the right vocabulary for this, but anyone else have experiences where a person of authority asks for ‘emotional intelligence’ after an incident of microaggression against you? It’s like, they have been less than professional towards you, and as the lower ranking employee, you (or in this case I) already have to measure your response. Then, when you’re minimizing your interactions with said person and/or distancing yourself as much as possible professionally to prevent future instances, you are asked to let it go/ be the bigger person/ learn emotional intelligence. It feels like manipulation. I can’t respond with the freedom said person has because I run a higher risk of losing my job as a consequence. But then, I’m also asked to continue to work and collaborate with said person without the boundaries I have set in place, because said boundaries are uncomfortable. What is the correct response in cases like this?

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