
Resigned, Manager Advanced My Last Day to Deny Me Insurance for December

I feel so foolish for giving notice. I knew better but I was worried about my professional reputation. I work in a field that requires an advanced degree and significant on the job training. I have been doing this job since 2007 at three different companies. In my most recent job, I was the second most senior person in terms of handling complex/high stakes assignments. My manager graduated in 2017 and has never handled, and is not yet qualified to handle, my level of work. The work environment she created was not healthy for me. I found another job elsewhere for more money and put in my two weeks. However, the job doesn't start until the end of December. Yesterday, two hours before the end of the day, she told me she was “making today [my] last day.” She said this was “not a termination,” but a cost-saving measure. I'm…

I feel so foolish for giving notice. I knew better but I was worried about my professional reputation.

I work in a field that requires an advanced degree and significant on the job training. I have been doing this job since 2007 at three different companies. In my most recent job, I was the second most senior person in terms of handling complex/high stakes assignments.

My manager graduated in 2017 and has never handled, and is not yet qualified to handle, my level of work. The work environment she created was not healthy for me. I found another job elsewhere for more money and put in my two weeks. However, the job doesn't start until the end of December.

Yesterday, two hours before the end of the day, she told me she was “making today [my] last day.” She said this was “not a termination,” but a cost-saving measure. I'm assuming the cost she is saving is denying me health insurance by making my last day before the start of the new month.

I'm going to apply for unemployment now since this is obviously a termination. But, I'm still sad at the viciousness and disregard for my humanity. I should have waited til the first of the month and quit on the spot.

Thanks for listening.

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