
Resigning after 3 days

I started this job Monday. It’s remote based in the social services field. They’ve already given me equipment(laptop, phone, etc). Part of my reason for pursuing this job was due to having an 8 month old who’s medically fragile and can’t attend day care. I thought I would be able to manage caring for my child at home while also working remotely but I’ve quickly learned I cannot manage it near as well as I thought I could. The past 2 days I’ve been doing trainings by Zoom and it’s been a struggle to do so without having to step away to care for my child. The individuals at this organization have been great, so I’m trying to figure out how best to go about this. I’m supposed to go in tomorrow to take copy of SSN, drivers license. Should I just email them(technically have 2 supervisors) beforehand and let…

I started this job Monday. It’s remote based in the social services field. They’ve already given me equipment(laptop, phone, etc). Part of my reason for pursuing this job was due to having an 8 month old who’s medically fragile and can’t attend day care. I thought I would be able to manage caring for my child at home while also working remotely but I’ve quickly learned I cannot manage it near as well as I thought I could. The past 2 days I’ve been doing trainings by Zoom and it’s been a struggle to do so without having to step away to care for my child.

The individuals at this organization have been great, so I’m trying to figure out how best to go about this. I’m supposed to go in tomorrow to take copy of SSN, drivers license. Should I just email them(technically have 2 supervisors) beforehand and let them know it’s not a good fit? And then just drop off equipment when I was supposed to bring paperwork in? I feel bad for wasting their time, but also don’t want to continue wasting it.

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