
Restaurant Banning Ex-employees from Being Customers?

Wasn't sure where to ask since this is kind of a corporate structure question? I feel like this crowd will at least understand the frustration. A local store for a popular sub sandwich franchise recently had a grand re-opening after being closed due to failing a health inspection; the old store manager was found to be inept and created poor working conditions along with their food-handling and hygiene failures. At some point before closing (and probably before the inspection), there was a strike among non-management employees, and almost all either quit or were fired before the store was re-staffed and reopened. The district manager made some statements today about banning ex-employees who now work for doordash from delivering at their store as not to 'let them get anymore money from us.' It turned out that was a misinterpretation from a message sent down from the regional manager who actually wanted…

Wasn't sure where to ask since this is kind of a corporate structure question? I feel like this crowd will at least understand the frustration.

A local store for a popular sub sandwich franchise recently had a grand re-opening after being closed due to failing a health inspection; the old store manager was found to be inept and created poor working conditions along with their food-handling and hygiene failures. At some point before closing (and probably before the inspection), there was a strike among non-management employees, and almost all either quit or were fired before the store was re-staffed and reopened.

The district manager made some statements today about banning ex-employees who now work for doordash from delivering at their store as not to 'let them get anymore money from us.' It turned out that was a misinterpretation from a message sent down from the regional manager who actually wanted to ban all strike-involved ex-employees from purchasing anything from the store as customers.

I know most places can refuse service for any reason, but the attitude of the district manager towards strikers and meddling with people's income is concerning and the banning of ex-employees from the regional manager is petty. Also a waste of resources to expect current employees to remember these people. Is there anyone the public can complain to? My friend is a current employee and I figure there's no real safe place for them to raise concerns without risking their job.


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