
Resting bitch face

Anyone struggle with RBF and supervisors constantly questioning about it? If I worked in customer service and interacted with public then I see why that could be a problem. But I specifically don’t work in those environments bc of my RBF, what tf does it matter how my face looks in the office?? As long as I’m getting my work down why do you care? Some background: I work in a team based program that floats around to different jobs and offices. My team leader stated that she was approached by many people about my face and asking what’s wrong with me and how annoying it was and I should work on it. I said… but why do they care? Are they unsatisfied with my work? No? Okay then. I wasn’t even an official employee of that office, they did not pay me directly. Am I supposed to be smiling…

Anyone struggle with RBF and supervisors constantly questioning about it? If I worked in customer service and interacted with public then I see why that could be a problem. But I specifically don’t work in those environments bc of my RBF, what tf does it matter how my face looks in the office?? As long as I’m getting my work down why do you care?

Some background: I work in a team based program that floats around to different jobs and offices. My team leader stated that she was approached by many people about my face and asking what’s wrong with me and how annoying it was and I should work on it. I said… but why do they care? Are they unsatisfied with my work? No? Okay then. I wasn’t even an official employee of that office, they did not pay me directly. Am I supposed to be smiling sitting in an office all day doing work I don’t care about? Even if I’m interested or enjoying myself my face still looks the same, because it’s just my face!!

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