
Retaliation options?

Hello everyone. My boss called me today and said if I can’t make it in on a Saturdays then I’m going to have to kiss my job goodbye. Backstory: I’ve taken the bus for years. A couple years ago I moved to a development that was slightly out of the way, not knowing the bus wouldn’t run on the weekends from this area, but we really needed the apartment urgently at the time. It wasn’t an issue because I had my then girlfriend to drop me off/pick me up, and I would also take help from my coworker. I’m no longer in said relationship and they decided to fire my coworker along with many others due to company restructures. My normal boss was on leave, so they were allowing me to work a day during the week instead until she got back and now she’s back. Towards the beginning of…

Hello everyone. My boss called me today and said if I can’t make it in on a Saturdays then I’m going to have to kiss my job goodbye.

Backstory: I’ve taken the bus for years. A couple years ago I moved to a development that was slightly out of the way, not knowing the bus wouldn’t run on the weekends from this area, but we really needed the apartment urgently at the time. It wasn’t an issue because I had my then girlfriend to drop me off/pick me up, and I would also take help from my coworker. I’m no longer in said relationship and they decided to fire my coworker along with many others due to company restructures. My normal boss was on leave, so they were allowing me to work a day during the week instead until she got back and now she’s back. Towards the beginning of the year we had this one worker who also didn’t have a car, and the same boss would send someone in a work vehicle to go pick him up just about every morning, if he even decided to come in. It just feels like discrimination. Idk.

They’re pretty much giving me the ultimatum of “just get here or look elsewhere.” I’ve been here for 6 1/2 years. Can they really push me out just like that? Do I have anything going for me? Sorry if this isn’t the sub for this.

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