
Retaliation (specific to MA)?

Throwaway. I work in MA for a large company. I’ve been very sick this year, and getting worse, as stress exacerbates my chronic illness(es). I started in April. My company says we’re only protected from 5 unexcused absences per year. This includes calling out sick for any reason and tardiness that is or is not avoidable. Essentially, here’s the policy in a nutshell: 1st day – excused 2nd day – excused 3rd day – excused 4th day – excused 5th day – excused 6th day – verbal warning 7th day – written warning, yearly review’s “performance” is affected 8th day – Performance Plan 9th day – fired? I’m not 100% clear on the 8th and 9th step. Personally, I am working on getting approved for MAPFML as I am not eligible yet for FMLA through my company. My personal feelings of this being inhumane aside, is this considered “retaliation” starting…


I work in MA for a large company. I’ve been very sick this year, and getting worse, as stress exacerbates my chronic illness(es). I started in April.

My company says we’re only protected from 5 unexcused absences per year. This includes calling out sick for any reason and tardiness that is or is not avoidable. Essentially, here’s the policy in a nutshell:

1st day – excused

2nd day – excused

3rd day – excused

4th day – excused

5th day – excused

6th day – verbal warning

7th day – written warning, yearly review’s “performance” is affected

8th day – Performance Plan

9th day – fired?

I’m not 100% clear on the 8th and 9th step. Personally, I am working on getting approved for MAPFML as I am not eligible yet for FMLA through my company.

My personal feelings of this being inhumane aside, is this considered “retaliation” starting on the 6th day? What the hell are people with kids supposed to do? Is literally everyone supposed to sign up for FMLA?

Happy to answer further questions.

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