
Retroactive Wage Reduction (Boise, ID)

My friend who picked up a short-term job at a famous donut chain in Idaho wants to quit his job immediately, he only worked there for two weeks n change. They agreed to $13/hr and he was fine with that, worked some 70 some odd hours there and then let the employer know he wasn't gonna be sticking around (he has a different job at a warehouse that was not operating for those two week so he got this donut job just for the interim; he DID let the employer know of this arrangement and they AGREED on him being there for a short time, he said anywhere from 2 weeks to two months). Today, he messages the owners that saying he's done and will collect his two weeks pay and call it there because the warehouse is operating again. Come to find out, the owners said that in the…

My friend who picked up a short-term job at a famous donut chain in Idaho wants to quit his job immediately, he only worked there for two weeks n change. They agreed to $13/hr and he was fine with that, worked some 70 some odd hours there and then let the employer know he wasn't gonna be sticking around (he has a different job at a warehouse that was not operating for those two week so he got this donut job just for the interim; he DID let the employer know of this arrangement and they AGREED on him being there for a short time, he said anywhere from 2 weeks to two months).

Today, he messages the owners that saying he's done and will collect his two weeks pay and call it there because the warehouse is operating again. Come to find out, the owners said that in the employee handbook (which my friend signed) it states that they will retroactively reduce the worker's wage to Idaho Minimum Wage $7.25/hr for quitting without two weeks notice. So now he doesn't know what to do because the whole reason he got this job was the have income for the two weeks his main job wasn't operating and he cannot afford his monthly expenses if his paycheck was slashed. I think they are trying to strong-arm him into quitting because he can't give two weeks because his other job needs him and he's scheduled for next week.

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