
Revenge & ?s

So I left my insanely toxic job of over ten years for a lower paying job in a different field. My last job attacked me over my mental health and I filed a formal complaint to HR. Our HR lady was good, but she quit due to the same toxicity and having a baby. So my case investigation died with her exit. Well things started getting bad again and I lodged another formal complaint. This time I went to a different HR person. I had to talk to then Operations VP and his door was ajar. So I walked in and heard him, the HR Woman, and th le CEO talking about my complaint, and “How crazy I was.” That was from the CEO. The HR rep agreed and then said “She even cced then other HR rep.” The operations VP face dropped and I left the office to send…

So I left my insanely toxic job of over ten years for a lower paying job in a different field.

My last job attacked me over my mental health and I filed a formal complaint to HR. Our HR lady was good, but she quit due to the same toxicity and having a baby. So my case investigation died with her exit.

Well things started getting bad again and I lodged another formal complaint.

This time I went to a different HR person. I had to talk to then Operations VP and his door was ajar. So I walked in and heard him, the HR Woman, and th le CEO talking about my complaint, and “How crazy I was.” That was from the CEO. The HR rep agreed and then said “She even cced then other HR rep.”

The operations VP face dropped and I left the office to send an email stating if people wanted to have private conversations about how crazy I am to close their doors.

Then I got demoted and my pay cut.

I sent another email and got in trouble for sending emails.

Then claims of “my continous bad behavior” were made. I asked for proof and none was provided.

My doctor said he was no longer treating my mental illness but a toxic workplace and I needed a new job. I took a month of FMLA and quit the day I came back. They “laid off” my work best friend and my sister the same day. Then laid off my other sister the following week. The company gave no severance and didn't pay them their pto because it's not required by law.

That was the straw that did it. Fuck me over fine. Screw my family and friends. Fuck off.

I have consulted an attorney AND have an appointment with the EEOC. This article made me think to share.

Edit to put my questions:

Can I still go to the EEOC if my attorney is trying to settle?

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