
Revolution when?

I work hard at my job I really do. And I feel lucky to even have a job in this day and age because we know the middle class is shrinking, opportunities are diminishing due to automation and companies try to squeeze as much from us as possible, stagnate our wages and cut off benefits while making ever more profits. But I’m tired of taking it. I’m tired we’re all just sitting here complaining yet complying to getting increasingly screwed over by ever blooming new bullshit that disintegrates our quality of life and creates a lack of workers’ solidarity because we’re all worried about not keeping up with the increasing cost of living. We’re not standing up together, we’re sucking up to power. We should be the heroes in our story so… revolution when?

I work hard at my job I really do. And I feel lucky to even have a job in this day and age because we know the middle class is shrinking, opportunities are diminishing due to automation and companies try to squeeze as much from us as possible, stagnate our wages and cut off benefits while making ever more profits. But I’m tired of taking it. I’m tired we’re all just sitting here complaining yet complying to getting increasingly screwed over by ever blooming new bullshit that disintegrates our quality of life and creates a lack of workers’ solidarity because we’re all worried about not keeping up with the increasing cost of living. We’re not standing up together, we’re sucking up to power. We should be the heroes in our story so… revolution when?

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