
Roommate fired for “harassment” over a 1 star yelp review, advice?

10ish days ago roommate expressed her concerns privately to the GM about a manager bullying her and her only, loudly humiliating her in front of her coworkers and customers, as well as ignoring her and her customers' requests to speak to that same manager. 5ish days after, she's mysteriously suspended over a 1 star yelp review coming from the customer complaining about being ignored multiple times. Called her our for “harassment”. Corporate also accused her of writing other 1 star reviews, and those reviews each obviously come from other Yelp user accounts… 1-2 months ago, a lot of female workers were also being suspended for stupid shit (like selling a basic drink like moscow mule, but “it's not on the menu”) after they wrote letters to corporate reporting sexual harassment incidents. There was also a male coworker suspended and fired after he rejected his male manager's invitation to have sex…

10ish days ago roommate expressed her concerns privately to the GM about a manager bullying her and her only, loudly humiliating her in front of her coworkers and customers, as well as ignoring her and her customers' requests to speak to that same manager. 5ish days after, she's mysteriously suspended over a 1 star yelp review coming from the customer complaining about being ignored multiple times. Called her our for “harassment”. Corporate also accused her of writing other 1 star reviews, and those reviews each obviously come from other Yelp user accounts…

1-2 months ago, a lot of female workers were also being suspended for stupid shit (like selling a basic drink like moscow mule, but “it's not on the menu”) after they wrote letters to corporate reporting sexual harassment incidents. There was also a male coworker suspended and fired after he rejected his male manager's invitation to have sex with the male manager's wife.

Make it make sense lmao. Any advice for a lawsuit of wrongful termination of employment?

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