

I find it very strange that all of the sudden companies are so anti WFH, forcing us to return to office when it was perfectly acceptable even before COVID. This is not to benefit us workers in any way. It’s to benefit the billionaires, investors, our government, wars… you get the point. Just think about how much you save and benefit your own life/family by being able to WFH. Now think about how much money you spend going into office 5 days a week on gas, snacks, coffee, ect….Corporate greed is real and it’s getting worse. Do not comply!!!!

I find it very strange that all of the sudden companies are so anti WFH, forcing us to return to office when it was perfectly acceptable even before COVID. This is not to benefit us workers in any way. It’s to benefit the billionaires, investors, our government, wars… you get the point. Just think about how much you save and benefit your own life/family by being able to WFH. Now think about how much money you spend going into office 5 days a week on gas, snacks, coffee, ect….Corporate greed is real and it’s getting worse. Do not comply!!!!

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