
Rule 9 Update

Hello, r/antiwork! The mod team has been discussing ways to combat spammers and scammers, and one of the top concerns of the userbase is all the low-effort karma farming around the subreddit. To help combat this, we're expanding rule 9 to apply all week and to prohibit all forms of private, unverifiable text-based communications. The rule has also been expanded to include a clear ban on procedurally generated content such as ChatGPT. The mod team is always looking for ways to serve you better, and we intend to look into future rules revisions to help improve the quality of content in our community. We thank you for your understanding. – The r/antiwork mod team

Hello, r/antiwork! The mod team has been discussing ways to combat spammers and scammers, and one of the top concerns of the userbase is all the low-effort karma farming around the subreddit. To help combat this, we're expanding rule 9 to apply all week and to prohibit all forms of private, unverifiable text-based communications. The rule has also been expanded to include a clear ban on procedurally generated content such as ChatGPT.

The mod team is always looking for ways to serve you better, and we intend to look into future rules revisions to help improve the quality of content in our community. We thank you for your understanding.

– The r/antiwork mod team

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