I have a full time job at an organization and my boss recommended that I take on an entirely supplementary temp role for additional pay. We agree upon pay (and I get it in writing.)
I’m working 5-10 extra hours a week in addition to my full-time job. The first paycheck doesn’t reflect my supplementary job but I figure that’s because the pay is for my work from 3-4 weeks ago (not the most recent weeks).
The second paycheck comes without a pay bump and then I reach out. I am told I will not get paid. I push back a tiny bit and receive an email saying essentially “fine, but just this one time.” Fine with me. I’m not taking on another temp role again.
Just received a third paycheck without a pay bump so I reached out to HR. We’ll see what happens.
It’s not that I’m surprised. Well, I guess I am a tiny bit surprised and I feel silly for admitting it. My organization specializes in social justice and professional development.
Figured I’d share.