
Running a store for minimum wage.

I work at a small boutique and I want to start this off by saying that the job description was listened on handshake as “cashier.” To say that’s misleading is an understatement. Basically this job entails working eight hour shifts by yourself, running the entire store. Duties include opening the store (counting out the right amount of cash for the register, turning all the lights on, getting out more bags, etc.), dealing with vendors (every shelf is a different vendor, there’s about 25 different ones), checking out customers, bagging their stuff, mopping and vacuuming the entire store at the end every shift, helping customers find what they need (I’m supposed to promote the owners stuff first of course ), printing SKUs for new items adding them to the inventory and putting them out, keeping the store clean and neat, closing the store (vaccumming, counting the cash in the register, putting…

I work at a small boutique and I want to start this off by saying that the job description was listened on handshake as “cashier.” To say that’s misleading is an understatement.

Basically this job entails working eight hour shifts by yourself, running the entire store. Duties include opening the store (counting out the right amount of cash for the register, turning all the lights on, getting out more bags, etc.), dealing with vendors (every shelf is a different vendor, there’s about 25 different ones), checking out customers, bagging their stuff, mopping and vacuuming the entire store at the end every shift, helping customers find what they need (I’m supposed to promote the owners stuff first of course ), printing SKUs for new items adding them to the inventory and putting them out, keeping the store clean and neat, closing the store (vaccumming, counting the cash in the register, putting cash in the safe turning off all lights, etc.), and whatever the fuck else she decides to tell you to do.

Right now I’m tasked with taking everything off every individual shelf, cleaning it and putting everything back exactly as it was (for reference there’s anywhere between 10-50 items on each shelf.) I’m just so fed up, I don’t get paid enough for this shit. I’m in Michigan so minimum wage is 10.10 an hour. There’s no holiday pay and I’m not expecting any bonuses either. My friend has been working here longer than I have, almost a year now and she was supposed to be offered a raise after 6 months. That never happened. Neither of us can quit cuz we need the money (we’re both college students.)

There’s not really any point to this post other than to say I’m so sick of this shit. Like I said, you work every shift by yourself from opening to closed. We’re only closed on the 25th for the holidays. I have to work the 26th and my friend has to work Christmas Eve (though it’s only from 12-3). And again, no holiday pay. It sucks and I’m so done with it. I don’t really have anything else to say so thanks for listening to me rant.

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