
Salaried job says I’m not working enough hours

I have a respectable, salaried job for a midsize company, timely/quickly do all the work that is required of me, but don't “create enough work myself that would help my development”. We are required to be in the office a few days a week and wfh the other two. The non-leaders in our dept truly get along really well (like surprisingly well) and so we take hour lunches, go to the gym together, hang around and chat, etc. Recently, I alone was called out for not working enough hours and was asked if I was making up these hours at all. Well, I work more hours and more productively from home, but I want to enjoy my time when I'm required to be in the office. And I'm salaried and am doing everything that needs to get done. And, again, I'm far from the only one operating like this. Vent…

I have a respectable, salaried job for a midsize company, timely/quickly do all the work that is required of me, but don't “create enough work myself that would help my development”. We are required to be in the office a few days a week and wfh the other two. The non-leaders in our dept truly get along really well (like surprisingly well) and so we take hour lunches, go to the gym together, hang around and chat, etc.

Recently, I alone was called out for not working enough hours and was asked if I was making up these hours at all. Well, I work more hours and more productively from home, but I want to enjoy my time when I'm required to be in the office. And I'm salaried and am doing everything that needs to get done. And, again, I'm far from the only one operating like this.

Vent over, thanks for listening!

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