
Salaries are a scam

My husband was an assistant admin for an assisted living facility where he was forced to routinely work 60- 80 hours a week due to short staffing. Once he worked 36 hours straight and slept in his car for a few hours before driving home because he felt too tired to safely drive. He worked alongside his boss, the admin, and a director of nursing (DON). When he was hired he was told he would alternate weeks being on call with the other managers but after a month he says they told him they have other things going on so he’d be the only person on call 24/7. One day after his fourth 16 hour shift he gets home and I’m making breakfast while he relaxes. He gets a call from the DON saying he needs to come back because several people called off. He says “I just got home,…

My husband was an assistant admin for an assisted living facility where he was forced to routinely work 60- 80 hours a week due to short staffing. Once he worked 36 hours straight and slept in his car for a few hours before driving home because he felt too tired to safely drive. He worked alongside his boss, the admin, and a director of nursing (DON). When he was hired he was told he would alternate weeks being on call with the other managers but after a month he says they told him they have other things going on so he’d be the only person on call 24/7.

One day after his fourth 16 hour shift he gets home and I’m making breakfast while he relaxes. He gets a call from the DON saying he needs to come back because several people called off. He says “I just got home, I’m tired, I’m off today. You go in since you’ve been off the last 2 days”. She says I can’t go in because I’m working from home today. He hangs up on her. Then his boss calls him and says that he needs to be more of a team player and help out more. He was working double the amount of hours they were and yet he’s not a team player? He was also made to perform some nursing duties which is outside his training and education which he reported but nothing was done.

All that to say, with all the hours he had to work and the bs he dealt with, his salary was $55,000/ year and he never got any pay increase or bonus. At its worst his hourly pay would have only been slightly over Missouri minimum wage. And the worst part is it’s completely legal in Missouri. There are really no labor laws here. He only lasted 6 months before he quit and is pretty successful in his new role.

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