
Same post different day

I’m here to vent my frustrations with the state of the job market. I’ve got not degree, just some trade school training. I work hard wherever I go; honestly, I always try to go above and beyond against my better judgement. None of my effort in the last 16 years changing jobs has gotten me anywhere that even closely resembles financial stability. I’m considering leaving my current place of work because I’m tired of being passed over for promotions as well as seeing those promotions go to friends and family of higher ups. I’m searching again. And I’ll I’m seeing is is 10-16$ per hour listings. All this while hearing morons spew rhetoric like “no one wants to work”. Compounded by the fact that even if the pay is just good enough I have to spend more time at work to make that money than I get to spend enjoying…

I’m here to vent my frustrations with the state of the job market. I’ve got not degree, just some trade school training. I work hard wherever I go; honestly, I always try to go above and beyond against my better judgement. None of my effort in the last 16 years changing jobs has gotten me anywhere that even closely resembles financial stability. I’m considering leaving my current place of work because I’m tired of being passed over for promotions as well as seeing those promotions go to friends and family of higher ups. I’m searching again. And I’ll I’m seeing is is 10-16$ per hour listings. All this while hearing morons spew rhetoric like “no one wants to work”. Compounded by the fact that even if the pay is just good enough I have to spend more time at work to make that money than I get to spend enjoying life, spending time with my family, pursuing hobbies and passions. Is this the best we can do? I’m aware others are experiencing the same but when are we going to be ready to make a change?

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