
(sarcasm and such warning) Rember, work HARD because bilioners were once milioners and your hard work made them who they are now

Sarcasm and such warning: ​ We all know we need to work. As otherwise there is no food, no healcare, no security, nothing will work. But working hard? yesss….. that is the actual issues this sub is talking about: being legally forced to work more than legally allowed, on top of this, said people are legally not even paid for the extra work, but the “owners” are. ​ Managers: work harder, faster!!!! Workers: do I get paid more. Managers and such: you are a slave! you don't have the privilage to get paid fairly! you sign a contract that says we don't need to pay you more than so much, so of course your owner, like shareholders, are getting all the extra wealth you produce! They are legally entitled for the privilege of getting the profit the better the comany does!!! ​ Random people: How dare you bother the rich!!!…

Sarcasm and such warning:

We all know we need to work. As otherwise there is no food, no healcare, no security, nothing will work. But working hard? yesss….. that is the actual issues this sub is talking about: being legally forced to work more than legally allowed, on top of this, said people are legally not even paid for the extra work, but the “owners” are.

Managers: work harder, faster!!!! Workers: do I get paid more. Managers and such: you are a slave! you don't have the privilage to get paid fairly! you sign a contract that says we don't need to pay you more than so much, so of course your owner, like shareholders, are getting all the extra wealth you produce! They are legally entitled for the privilege of getting the profit the better the comany does!!!

Random people: How dare you bother the rich!!! they iNvEsTeDeD money, so of course they are entiteled to get MOOOOOORRREEE profit for Freeeee. But who pays? of course you, because you are legally bound to do so or else you will be jailed. Don't belive me? just think what will happen if you pay only Pre Inflation price for products….. yep, police will come. But if the owners want to fire you, want to increase prices while your salery statys the same, get paid in 1 month more than you earn in years, don't pay your salery in time??? Well go to HR as they deal with human RESOURSES. And of course, not the police, as the law is not recgnising your privilege of the profit, despite you being the main workers.

Also, pyramite scam

ohhh look here, is comany X income. They paid more than 70% of thir profit to other comanies who produce the materials and more….. said other comapnies…. are paing less than 10% of thir profit to the actual workers, most for themself… or repeat with a 3rd comany…. who again…. the share holders… .who might own shares in 2 or more of thoes comanies…. get paid more and more and more…. because there is this ilusion that the prices are fair because comany A need to pay comany B for the materials not realising that comany B also increased thir prices, also donsen't pay correctly the workers, also has shareholders and similar who make profit just because they are the owners just like how slave onwers where making profit while others work

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