
scapegoat at work lol

Just to preface this i’m the youngest employee (21) while the rest of them are late twenties to fourty. Also they’re all white. Not only are they all white but also middle/upper class, whereas i am very much working class first generation kid of immigrants. Nothing wrong with that but i definitely feel the differences between us., I don’t feel like this scapegoat things come on suddenly, over time i’ve experienced various microagressions at work and the times i do attend after work drinks i’m always taken the piss out of. I’m not sure if i’m being dramatic or not but i feel like when problems arise they look for me to blame. E.g got really drunk once by accident and ended up throwing up (my coworkers have done worse and have been in worse ways) but my section manager yes MY MANAGER made racist remarks asking if i was…

Just to preface this i’m the youngest employee (21) while the rest of them are late twenties to fourty. Also they’re all white. Not only are they all white but also middle/upper class, whereas i am very much working class first generation kid of immigrants. Nothing wrong with that but i definitely feel the differences between us.,

I don’t feel like this scapegoat things come on suddenly, over time i’ve experienced various microagressions at work and the times i do attend after work drinks i’m always taken the piss out of. I’m not sure if i’m being dramatic or not but i feel like when problems arise they look for me to blame. E.g got really drunk once by accident and ended up throwing up (my coworkers have done worse and have been in worse ways) but my section manager yes MY MANAGER made racist remarks asking if i was going to marry my cousin????? because apparently that’s what people of my ethnicity do according to him, then commented that it was fine that he said that bc i’m too drunk to remember it (i do). I barely interact with him so i’m confused as to why he felt comfortable enough to make that comment. What’s worse is no one had ANYTHING to say when he did make those comments like no one stood up for me (he also has a history of trying to make weird advances on me) . This work place also prides itself in being some leftist liberal anti racist work place which just makes this entire thing even more ironic. Doesn’t help that our customer base is also full of fake shit eating champagne socialists. The amount of micro aggressions i’ve had to deal with serving them idk how i haven’t gone insane. Honest to god could just do with some plain old real racism rather than this sugar coated liberal lefty bs they give, much easier to navigate bc at least i know where i stand.

Feel like this scapegoat issue has come to ahead recently and i really can’t take it anymore. I started off being the golden child but i feel like as time has worn on whatever made them like me in the first place has worn off, i am blamed and questioned immediately with things i had NOTHING to do with. I also know that my weight, eating habits and dating life is something discussed and gossiped about. Honestly just tired,and confused on how to fix it. I’m a uni student and this is a really well paying job but after nearly two years i feel worn down. Does anyone have similar experiences or advice to give. It’s either finding a fix or just quitting

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