
Scared of quitting because i of length of experience

Ive been thinking of quitting my job because management has been disrespectful and really unfair (told me i was locked in for 2 yrs with them despite not signing anythimg, after they sent me abroad for a short international work thing, because it was “a huge opportunity for me and i should be grateful because they were generous”, dont pay me overtime, dont pay my weekends when i work, they dont like when i take a leave off work they ask a lot of questions before approving and i still have to work during those days off. And many more) Problem is this job is something i really wanted and in the industry i want to have career in. It's pretty competitive so i thoyght about staying for 3yrs before bouncing but right now my mental health has taken a dip i have been su*cidal for months. Im scared of…

Ive been thinking of quitting my job because management has been disrespectful and really unfair (told me i was locked in for 2 yrs with them despite not signing anythimg, after they sent me abroad for a short international work thing, because it was “a huge opportunity for me and i should be grateful because they were generous”, dont pay me overtime, dont pay my weekends when i work, they dont like when i take a leave off work they ask a lot of questions before approving and i still have to work during those days off. And many more)

Problem is this job is something i really wanted and in the industry i want to have career in. It's pretty competitive so i thoyght about staying for 3yrs before bouncing but right now my mental health has taken a dip i have been su*cidal for months. Im scared of leaving since ive inly been here for a year and 7 months. Probably not enough to get a new job at a bigger company or may not be considered enough exposure to the work/industry.

Should i just stick it until i get at least 3 years? Or idk maybe im dead by then hopefully

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