
Scheduling you for work outside of your availability is the same level of disrespect as a no call no show

Basically title. No-call no-show is often the worst offence you can do at work that's not at least technically or potentially a legal issue. But we've allowed scheduling outside of availability to slide. Whether it's a gradual pushing of boundaries or just an outright refusal to respect the schedule that was agreed on when hired, its fairly normalized. I think it should be treated as the disrespect that it is.

Basically title.

No-call no-show is often the worst offence you can do at work that's not at least technically or potentially a legal issue. But we've allowed scheduling outside of availability to slide.

Whether it's a gradual pushing of boundaries or just an outright refusal to respect the schedule that was agreed on when hired, its fairly normalized. I think it should be treated as the disrespect that it is.

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