
Schools have too many days off, can cause learning loss and stress.

“There are benefits to days off from school, experts say. Kids can relax, focus on extracurriculars, and, ideally, spend quality time with their families. However, too many days off school is difficult for parents and children. “In theory, I like it because kids should have breaks from school,” said Erin Heger, a Kansas mom of three. “But in a society with no support for parents, it's really disruptive and nearly impossible to give the kids what they need and also get work done and make an income.”” So instead of fixing the root problem of creating a support structure for working parents they want to shorten kids vacations? Also, the author lumping weekends into the calculation of time off is deceiving for sure.

“There are benefits to days off from school, experts say. Kids can relax, focus on extracurriculars, and, ideally, spend quality time with their families. However, too many days off school is difficult for parents and children.

“In theory, I like it because kids should have breaks from school,” said Erin Heger, a Kansas mom of three. “But in a society with no support for parents, it's really disruptive and nearly impossible to give the kids what they need and also get work done and make an income.””

So instead of fixing the root problem of creating a support structure for working parents they want to shorten kids vacations? Also, the author lumping weekends into the calculation of time off is deceiving for sure.

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