
Screwed over and then awarded

My husband works for a big million (billion?) dollar company in tech. When he started they said they were family oriented, we quickly found out that was a lie when they didn’t offer any paternity leave. Since then he’s been told he’ll get a raise three times with no raise every happening and he’s been told he’s receiving a promotion only to then be told it’s a lateral move after they’ve already moved him. They just laid off a bunch of people but they managed to buy a space x rocket to put on display at their corporate office for absolutely no reason. It’s amazing to me that these companies treat their workers like absolute shit and then are surprised when they can’t keep employees. Edit: forgot to add that then today he gets awarded (again) for being one of the top IT team members and clearing the most tickets.…

My husband works for a big million (billion?) dollar company in tech. When he started they said they were family oriented, we quickly found out that was a lie when they didn’t offer any paternity leave.

Since then he’s been told he’ll get a raise three times with no raise every happening and he’s been told he’s receiving a promotion only to then be told it’s a lateral move after they’ve already moved him.

They just laid off a bunch of people but they managed to buy a space x rocket to put on display at their corporate office for absolutely no reason.

It’s amazing to me that these companies treat their workers like absolute shit and then are surprised when they can’t keep employees.

Edit: forgot to add that then today he gets awarded (again) for being one of the top IT team members and clearing the most tickets. Literally a week after they promoted and then unpromoted him.

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