
Security cameras used to fire guard doing their job

My wife works in an emergency mental health facility. A patient was brought in by police and as police often do, they leave and pretend this person never existed. This was an extremely violent and large person who needed to be jailed but that would mean paperwork for the officers. As soon as the police took off the handcuffs they fast walked out of the secure area, leaving this angry man alone with several people waiting to be seen. The laws prevent someone from being placed in seclusion until a Dr has authorized it. This guy goes into a violent fit of rage and easily overpowered every guard except the hero who's basically the Hulk. This guy was eventually taken to the floor but he got his teeth on the hero guards arm and wouldn't let go. Other guards tried pressure points, arm twisting, basically anything to create enough pain…

My wife works in an emergency mental health facility. A patient was brought in by police and as police often do, they leave and pretend this person never existed. This was an extremely violent and large person who needed to be jailed but that would mean paperwork for the officers. As soon as the police took off the handcuffs they fast walked out of the secure area, leaving this angry man alone with several people waiting to be seen. The laws prevent someone from being placed in seclusion until a Dr has authorized it.

This guy goes into a violent fit of rage and easily overpowered every guard except the hero who's basically the Hulk. This guy was eventually taken to the floor but he got his teeth on the hero guards arm and wouldn't let go. Other guards tried pressure points, arm twisting, basically anything to create enough pain to make him release. Nothing worked so the hero guard punched him once in the head and knocked him out cold.

The police eventually showed up and did their job and took this guy to the hospital to be checked out and eventually to jail where he belongs. Everyone was thanking the hero guard for controlling this guy and protecting several innocent people waiting to be seen. That's until HR reviews the video. He was immediately fired for using excessive force and told there is no circumstance where you can strike a patient (he wasn't a patient yet, he was just a violent unknown person the police dropped off). He was told that he should have waited for the police while he bleeds and potentially fatal viruses are mixed with his blood. My wife said he had been there more than 10 years and was reliable, friendly and always had your back when things got tense. Now the employees are terrified of the cameras and they've lost 2 mental health counselors since the incident because it's not safe without this guard to protect them. They all got an email last week letting them know the cameras are there for their safety.

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